Chief Warden Training


The Chief Wardens course is designed for staff who will fill the roles of the Chief Warden/Deputy Chief Warden as defined in Australian Standard 3745-2010 or Australian Standard 4083-2010.
The course has both theoretical and practical components so that staff will be confident in performing their roles in an emergency situation.
The course can be designed to accommodate the specific requirements of your facility. Protecting your Business through theoretical and practical hands on scenario based training exercises forms the foundation of our partnership commitment to community safety.

Exercise topics

  1. EPC roles and respnsibilitues
  2. Budget considerations
  3. Meetings & agendas
  4. Training needs
  5. ECO structures
  6. Scheduling training
  7. AS3754, AS4083
  8. AS1851
  9. Selection of ECO personel
  10. Recovery